Friday 1 March 2013

Wide Angle

John set us the task go out and take some pictures using a wide angle lens from viewpoints that aren't eye level, in order to create a distorted image of the subject.

This one was taken very closely to the tree looking up the trunk. I used my 18-55mm kit lens at 18mm. As you can see, the tree appears distorted. The foreground looks a lot larger than the background. Using a wide angle, really exaggerates the depth and the height of the tree. This image would appear even more distorted if I was to use a 10mm lens for example.

This is an image of some fungus growing on a tree. Again I got very close and low to the ground. The fungus closest to the lens is exaggerated in size compared to the fungus a little bit further in the background.

Here are some images I have taken using an even wider angle lens. I used a 10-20mm sigma lens which gave more distortion and exaggeration of size.




1 comment:

  1. Good posting Holly, you clearly understand te uses of wide angle distortion.
