Saturday 2 March 2013

Music Photography - Song - Dig

I missed yesterday's session with Richard due to being poorly but I knew the plan was to do some music photography so I was quite gutted I couldn't go in as I LOVE music and obviously quite like photography too.....
After asking Andy what they got upto yesterday, I found out that the class were set the task to think of a favourite song and create an image or a set of images to interpret that song.
I thought I'd get on it straight away because I thought of an idea to be shot outside and the weather is lovely today so I thought I'd take advantage of the light. I also used my 5 in 1 reflector for extra light where I wanted it.
I chose a song by one of my favourite bands, Incubus. The song is called Dig. My take on this song is that it is about true friendship in a relationship and how people can help each other through the crap that can happen in life. There is someone special in your life whether it be a friend, partner or family member that can bring out the best in you.
I'm not usually a soppy person but this song really tugs on the old heart strings!!
I chose to photograph some roses. I had some old dead roses left over from Valentines day (wit wooo) and also some fresh roses that my Dad had recently bought for my Mum (awww).
I chose roses to symbolise the love aspect of the song. The dead roses represent how you're not always at your best and everyone has imperfections. The soil covering the dead roses represent that rubbish in life that we all go through from time to time, weighing us down. I chose 2 fresh roses to place on top of all this, to represent a partnership and to show that people can 'Dig' each other out of it all and bring out the best in each other. I finished by using a texture with the image and then put a lyric from the song over the top. This reads 'If I turn into another, dig me up from under what is covering the better part of me'.
This is the texture I used with the original image. Whilst I was outside, I was looking around my garden for a suitable texture. I took a few but this one suited the best. It is a close up of an outdoor chiminea we have. It worked well because it looks quite like dirt and soil when put together with my image. I created a layer mask and only revealed the texture around the fresh roses in the middle, leaving them clear.
Anyway, give the song a listen and the video a watch.......makes me want to cry abit!
p.s. Here is me with the lead singer of Incubus. Ahhhh!!! Best day ever!

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