Saturday 23 March 2013

Textured Montage

Yesterday, whilst shooting in the studio for some fashion photography, I took this shot of Bezma by accient but quite liked it and thought it could be used for something else. I forgot to adjust my camera settings, so this image was taken with a shutter speed of 4 seconds.

I added two textures that I took whilst on a trip out in Manchester the other week.
I changed the colours in the textures and layered them on to the image, decreasing the opacity so you can still the image underneath a little bit. With each texture, I added a layer mask and painted over where Bezma is so she's not been covered too much by the textures. I increased the opacity of the brush when going over her face and then decreased it a little bit whilst going over some space around here and then left the outsides. I then flattened the image but then tried something else on it. I duplicated the layer twice and on the middle layer, I increased the contrast and decreased the brightness so it looked darker. Then on the top layer, I created a layer mask and then painted around the edges of the images, revealing the darker image underneath.
I quite like the textures but not sure if they really go with the image as they are different colours so I tried it all again but tried to use all the same colours.

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