Thursday 7 February 2013

Studio photography - Still Life At Home


I decided to take a few snaps of chillies because my fridge is full of them! I also love the strong colour you get from them. I decided to lie them on a white piece of fabric with a little bit of texture for the background. I chose different types of chillies and some were more shrivelled than others as you can see.

I just used one light (a desk lamp) positioned above the subject, looking down but as you can see from the shadows, it was a little bit more to the right.

I also used pieces of white card around the sides to reflect more light onto the chillies.

I think the shadows are a bit too prominent in this image due to the lack of lighting I had so I used the dodge tool in photoshop to tone them down a touch. I do like how the different tones have turned out but a desk lamp is certainly not the best thing to use! I would like to try this again using proper studio lighting or even using 2 lights positioned above the subject, one to each side.... but I had to make do with what I had at home. No harm in trying! 

Here are a couple more I took....

With this one, I changed the white balance to cloudy to add warmth.


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