Thursday 14 February 2013

Studio Photography - Flowers

Today I took some images of a flower (it IS valentines day). The lighting has to be right to accentuate the detail and colour of the flower.
This was my light set up below. I used a beauty dish to one side of the camera. I used this because it gave a focused pool of soft light on my subject. I also, used a deep reflector behind the subject with a honeycomb fixture. This brought out more colour and definition around the edges of the flower. The honeycomb also gives a soft light and ensures that there is no glare in the lens. I chose to use a black background.

I also desaturated the image. I think I prefer this one because its very delicate and graceful but also quite moody.


  1. Holly this is a lovely image, I of course prefer the black ad white one. You have clearly shown that you understand the effects of te lighting on the flower ad your description shows that you can evaluate the quality of the light. Well done, definitely not a nice image.

    1. Great minds think alike John, because I prefer the black & white one too. I'm so glad you don't think it's nice :)
