Thursday 6 December 2012

"Everyday" (interior brief)

Photographing the "everyday" is something I am really interested in and something I am thinking about looking at for the interior location brief. To photograph the "everyday" is to look at things in everyday life that people wouldn't usually tend to look at. Objects or scenes that are usually looked at as mundane or ordinary. Nothing is staged, but it is all about finding the extraordinary in the ordinary. I love this idea because you can really take something quite boring and look at it in a totally different way and then force the viewer to see it in this way too. I think one of the most important aspects is viewpoint and composition as these things can really change the way people see things.
William Eggleston is a good example....
William Eggleston (born July 27, 1939), is an American photographer. He is widely known for the recognition of colour photography as a legitimate artistic medium to display in art galleries.

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