Tuesday 16 October 2012

Brief 1 - Photographers - Saul Leiter

Saul Leiter is an American photographer who started out in fashion photography, but then became known for his street photography mostly shot in New York and Paris. He also used to be a painter. One art critic said: "His painter's instincts served him well in his emphasis on surface, spatial ambiguity and a lush, carefully calibrated palette".

Here are some of my favourites of his work...

 SAUL LEITER - Haircut, 1956 
I like the way he captures those in-between moments and looks at the world in a different way. Some of his work is very abstract and artistic. He looks at reflections and rain on windows in the street which create a really interesting image.
I also like the colour and the feel it gives in his work. I read an interview he did and he was asked how would he characterize the emotional tone of his colour work, where he replied: "I must confess that I have never devoted five seconds to thinking about the tone of my color work". He just has a natural eye for it!
Leiter's work is categorised as location photography because no matter what in particular he choses to photograph, the images are shot in the street using the available lighting. He captures people in the street, reflections in the street, abstract images in the street, and so on...
I think I will take the aspect of reflections and maybe people for my exterior brief but focusing more in a natural, rural environment rather than urban.


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