Friday 9 November 2012

Brief - Exterior Location - Shooting

I took another walk round a woody area that I know to take some snaps for my exterior location brief. Some of the images in this post are just images to show you where I was and the environment I was in (like above and below) and some are ones that I will consider printing for the final work.

In this one the leaves on the outside (mostly in focus) almost frame the blurred reflection in the background. I love the colours in this image. I think they work really well. I bumped the saturation up a little bit to bring them ou more.

I photographed this with the intention of making it look quite surreal and abstract. It is an image that i have rotated so that it is upside down. I think this is one of my faveourites but i couldn't decide if it works better in colour or black and white (below).

Here is a similar image to the one above but in black and white. I think this one if harder to figure out what is actually going on in the image which makes it more abstract I think.

I only like a small section of this image (the top left) because the leaves in that section look perfect. The shape of them and the shadows on them look lovely and they are floating ontop of the water where the tree that they have come from is reflected into it. The other leaves in other parts of the image just look blurred and over exposed. It's a shame really because I would have liked this one.

This is another rotated image. It reminds me of walking through the woods with the sun shining through the branches. Quite mellow and serene. Again, it is quite dream-like as it is actually a reflection so not quite a clear image but distorted and surreal.

I took this because I noticed the shadow of the tree on the floor and liked how it feel. Changing it to black and white gave it quite a haunting feel. This image really reminds me of one of Lee Friedlander's images of a road side and the lamp posts in the street and the shadows they cast on the road, but mine is a natural version! The compisition is similar and the shadows.

I like that the leaves frame the subject in this image.
I like this image of the contrasting colours of blue and yellow. Also i like how the leaves in the foreground are blurred.

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